After The Rains

We here in California have been having some very unusual rains. Pounding down cloudbursts. Likely linked to Climate Change. But I won’t get into that. Anyway, I went on a couple of hikes recently (the second was solitary) just to see how it turned out and thought I’d share photos with you. I am sorry […]


I’ve saved these cartoons for years. They seemed particularly poignant, if perhaps a bit cynical (yet right on) to me. But they made me laugh. Hmm, laughter seems to be laughing at mistakes made, whether human or not. We find them funny, somehow. I wonder why? Anyway, see what you think. Note: Click to enlarge.

Before Opalescence

Found this on my computer. It’s pre-Opalescence. I guess I was thinking about this for awhile. I remember I posted it on a website where people were wondering about some mysterious fossilized footprints or other. “Actually, I made those prints just last week. Let me explain. You see, I have a time machine; I’m not […]

My Walking Stick(s)

Actually, I would rather have had only one, because it would be like my right arm by now. Lots of stories I suspect. But it was taken. Let me explain. I had originally one that I got from a favorite place to hike a long time ago. Stoney Creek, it was called. The trail where […]


Though I like sunsets (and who doesn’t like photos of them) and long thought of ’em as my favorite time of day, I’ve always enjoyed the freshness of mornings. Especially in the last several years. The newness. The hope. In general, new and younger things in nature just kind of seem more cheerful to be […]

On The Beach

No, not the science fiction, although it’s certainly an Apocalyptic feeling time. This was this morning. Feast your eyes because I’m not sure I’ve ever seen it this empty. Usually, there’s cars all over it. Ruddy and I almost got hit by a zooming RV (coming from behind us), of all things, here once. It […]

Island Life

I’ve always loved islands. In fact, when we were about 7 or so, my brother and I tried to run away to one. We’d seen them in picture books and were inspirited. We didn’t get too far, of course. But that didn’t stop our loving them. I have been to Hawaii (twice), but that seems […]

Autumn In Vermont

Every fall, the US northeast puts on a show, a dazzling display of color, when deciduous leaves, in particular, sugar maple, turn from green to -> yellow -> orange -> red, and all the variety of hues in-between. It’s truly one of the wonders of the world. Of course, since this blog is all about […]

My PCT Section Hike

Finally took my Pacific Crest Trail hike, well a part of it, that is. The PCT is not just any hike, it requires a massive amount of logistics and planning. For one thing, it’s pretty much impossible to get to many of the trailheads without having to hitchhike, something I’m not great at. Then, since […]