More Hiking!

It’s been a while since my last hiking post, but I have been hiking here in Luisian country.

First, to continue my post wherein I (think*) I promised to let readers in on the new (to me) secluded, grassy land of about 1/2 mile x 1/8 mile in dimensions. It was interesting, with lovely facets. I did indeed follow the faint trail in I mentioned previously. As we had a relatively recent rain, it is greening. The trees, mostly oaks, are bare of leaves, indicating that they are deciduous (leaves drop in the fall – though lately that is extending later in the year). Likely they were of the white oak group known as Valley Oaks.

It was very quiet though, and I got the feeling that this was somehow land that has been impacted by man in some way, perhaps an old burial ground or something. Then again, you know how the mind plays tricks. In any case, I felt that the place was wary of people, not a feeling I get too often. Unfortunately I did find a discarded beer can and a shotgun shell, so others have been there. Here are some pics.

The path down

The path down

The view from the entrance

The view from the entrance

Looking from the far end

Looking from the far end

*Later edit: Here is the earlier story. After the windy part.

I think I’ll leave it at that for now for that hike.

Then I found another hike with the help of my daughter. I had never seen it before because, I am embarrassed to say, I had not ventured past a certain area which she calls “the land of great discovery”. There was a pond at the bottom, and we sat there in the early morning in silence and listened to the glorious melody of a lone songbird gaily singing the joy of the day. It was one of those experiences that you long remember. Here are some pics of that place.

The valley below

The valley below

Just beautiful

Just beautiful

The shadows lengthen

The shadows lengthen

By the way, I have obviously recently purchased a camera just for this blog so that you can enjoy these hikes with me. It’s not top of the line, but it’s adequate.

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